James Baird

Versatile data professional dedicated to leveraging the power of analytics, machine learning, and full-stack development to drive meaningful change in healthcare.

Specialising in building end-to-end data solutions that drive decision-making and deliver actionable insights.

Areas of expertise

Data Wrangling & Analysis

Proficient in data cleansing, transformation, visualisation, and integration using SQL, Python, and R. Extensive experience in exploratory analysis, statistical modeling, and hypothesis testing to uncover valuable insights from complex healthcare datasets.

Machine Learning & AI

Experienced in developing and deploying supervised and unsupervised machine learning models using Python and R. Adept at applying these skills to solve real-world problems in healthcare, such as integrating natural language processing (NLP) techniques to enhance analytics solutions.

Software Engineering

Full-stack web developer experienced in a variety of modern web technologies, with a focus on TypeScript, Node.js, and React/Remix. Skilled in designing and building scalable, maintainable, and performant web applications and APIs that support data-driven decision-making in healthcare.